High Security Mobile Shredding Services
We help good people avoid bad headlines.
Security and IT professionals are fighting a constant war. With limited resources and too many responsibilities they work constantly to protect their organization's data. This is why we think its tragic when improper sanitization and disposal of IT hardware results in a data breach.
At Mansfield Technologies, we help organizations securely sanitize and dispose of their sensitive IT hardware. At affordable rates, we help our customers sleep a little easier at night. You have enough to worry about!
Mobile Destruction Trucks
We offer mobile destruction services. Your IT assets are physically destroyed on-site under your supervision. Once destruction activities have been completed, we will provide your organization with a Certificate of Destruction (CODs) which can achieve the standards outlined in NIST 800-88 and NSA PM 9-12.
These COD will prove that your organization destroyed your data at the highest levels and will build confidence with your customers. All destroyed by-products have been proven by the NSA to pose minimal risk to your organization. These by-products are then taken off site and recycled to recover the raw materials.
How should you store and track your old IT hardware? What if you have large amounts of hardware, should you buy your own machines? What if you have a unique piece of hardware and you are not sure how to proceed?
We also have the technical expertise to advise you on what is your most cost efficient and secure solution. We offer IT lifecycle planning services and audit services to help customers proactively plan for decommissioning activities.
Sectors We Serve
We offer specialized shredding services designed for the healthcare sector. We ensure customers are compliant with HIPAA regulations and secure patient information.
Financial institutions fall under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA). We offer specialized on-site shredding services to protect customer sensitive data.
Federal Government
We are one of very few companies which can achieve the IT destruction standards for National Security Classified Information. (NSA PM 9-12 and DOD SAP) We do our part to ensure our nations most sensitive secrets are protected.
Law Enforcement
The FBI requires all law enforcement data be destroyed under the Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy (CJIS). We offer shredding services which achieve this standard.
Educators are entrusted with highly sensitive data about those most vulnerable, children. We help education organizations stay compliant under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
Data Center Operators
Companies who operate their own data centers or Co-Location (COLO) providers have large amounts to sensitive IT hardware. Our mobile destruction trucks can process up to ten thousand hard drives in a single day.
Local Government
Governments of all sizes are entrusted with citizen sensitive data. We help local governments securely sanitize their old data at affordable rates. We help them understand NIST 800-88 guidance and protect their citizens.
Defense Industrial Base
The DOD's Cyber Security Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) process is inspecting companies IT sanitization and disposal practices. We help companies achieve the disposal outcomes required by CMMC.
Mansfield Technologies LLC is a certified SDVOSB founded by a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, who has additional 6 years experience supporting the U.S. Intelligence Community. We are a company of veterans, members of the National Guard and Reserves, and former Intelligence Community members.
If you choose Mansfield Tech to be your ITAD partner, you can sleep a little easier at night knowing your old IT hardware has been destroyed securely and recycled responsibility.
email: contact@mansfieldtech.us